Got the new Grazia?
Have you lovelies out there bought the new Grazia Australia magazine yet? If not, I suggest that you do as it is predicted to sell out oh-so-quickly. I grabbed my copy just this morning along with my fabulous caramel coffee and I sat down in the café and indulged in the read. I have to say that it would have to be perhaps one of the most constructive fashion magazine read ever. I know that many people may perceive me or other people in the industry to be very shallow and base our perceptions on what people wear and the latest shoes and whatever (like the sarcastic and ironic Nigel from the Devil wears Prada said: “that’s what this multimillion dollar industry is all about [rolls eyes]…Inner Beauty”) but I think for me, this magazine was a real eye opener. It told me that you can be fabulous if you wear the right Louis Vuitton shoes and have the latest Prada Lace bag (which I am totally lusting after right now as well) but it also told me that you can be aware of current events and be happy with the latest gossip and stay fabulous in the process. This magazine doesn’t change its audience in believing that appearance is everything but really, it just emphasises to us all that there is can be no price in fabulousness and knowledge. It doesn’t come across as pretentious and cold but it is just an inspiring read which looks at life from all realistic and fashionable facets which I believe makes us a genuinely fabulous person. Congrats to Alison Veness-McGourtey on a fantabulous issue!